Ti si Božije dete i kao takva si potpuno slobodna da biraš sta želiš u životu.
Kao i svima dao sam ti slobodnu volju.
Samo diši, budi mirna, ovo je inicijacija.
Sve je u redu, uvek jeste.
Mi brinemo o tebi, uvek.
Dok si na ovom svetu,
Nećeš napustiti ovaj svet dok ne poželiš.
(za to vreme energija prolazi kroz moje telo kao spirala)
Možeš li da osetiš ovu energiju?
To sam ja.
Živ u tebi.
I dobro je dok cirkulišem, čistim tvoje telo u ovom trenutku
Opusti se i samo diši
Kako god se osećas udobno u ovom trenutku
Čuješ li svoje srce?
Osećaš li otkucaje svog srca
Tvoje srce to si ti, zajedno sa svim ostalim organima u tvom stomaku
Donesi svesnost u stomak, to je tvoj komandni centar
Your ovaries, they know, they feel, they pulsing,
Can you feel that?
(energy goes through legs now)
Just breathe, Just breathe
Now your energy goes to the Earth, in mother Gaya, our planet
You are part of her, like all living creatures on the planet, we all have our roots in her (energetics roots)
Just now you are sent to Mother Earth certain amount of energy of Love as do all consicious beings on this planet..
Everything is ok, dont be affraid
You are not crazy
Can you feel now energy in your spin?
That is your HARA line
Energy should flow freely through it.
Your Hara line is your key, your tree of life.
Keep it clean, flowing….
(How to do that?)
Be patient, I will tell you everything
Just breathe
You feel the energy still flowing through you into the earth.
It is your contribution to the mother Gaya today
She is grateful to you
And you dont need to do anything anymore, that is enough
The more consicious moments we make, the sooner she will recover and all of us with her
Take care of your heart /there is a key in it.
A river of energy flows through it
Bring your awareness to your heart
A river of tears flowed to make it so clean
That is how it was supposed to be…
Just breathe Breathe through your heart
It knows the way
And if he pushes a ball into stomach and let it pass
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